Holy Week Wishes

 We wish you a very blessed Holy Week from our homes to yours!

This week were attending Mass in our homes away from the traditions and rituals with which we have identified as celebrating Holy Week and Easter. Let's continue to find ways to make it as special as we can.

I encourage you to put away your sweats or yoga pants and dress up as if you were attending Mass at church.


Send us your pictures of how you are celebrating this year.

Why so many pictures? We can't be together right now due to the Stay at Home Mandate. We love seeing you and it is our hope that you love seeing one another during this time.


10 Tips while you are attending the Divine Liturgy online:

  1. Place a crucifix on a table, Icons, or other religious items that will help you to focus on prayer.

  2. Light candles and burn incense (if you have it).

  3. You may put some wine in a cup and bread in a plate as a SYMBOL of the Eucharist which we long to receive.

  4. When the priest receive communion you may say this prayer: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot receive You at this moment, come into my heart spiritually. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

  5. Dress as you would for the Divine Liturgy in Church.

  6. Decorate the candles of Palm Sunday with your Children; bring some branches from your garden place it on the table.

  7. Try to follow the Divine Liturgy as it is streaming live even though you can watch it later. Sing the hymns – sit and stand with the priest and give the peace to your family.

  8. You can find the liturgical text on the church website www.ollchicago.org and you may print it and follow the prayer.

  9. It is sad that the doors of the Churches are closed but not our Hearts. Make your Home a Church.

  10. Take a picture - of your altar, decoration, your family - and send it to the priest.

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